What kind of grants does Quinnroads award?
Quinnroads is a fund aimed at promoting foreign language-learning by providing grants to enable young people to undertake travel to a country whose language they have been learning. This travel might be as part of a school trip or something independently arranged in the school holidays.
We provide both partial and full-grants depending on a pupil’s circumstances.
We're a newly-launched small charity with limited funds, but we are in a position to award a range of grants each year to eligible candidates.
Who is eligible to apply for a grant?
The fund provides grants to school pupils or recent school-leavers in London (within the M25) who would educationally benefit from, but due to financial disadvantage would be unable to participate in, school language-learning trips or independent travel to a non-English-speaking country in which they are studying for or have recently achieved a secondary school or sixth form language qualification.
Quinnroads awarded our first grants during the 2018/19 school year. If you are interested in applying for a grant either for yourself or someone you know then please send us your contact details and we will reply with more information. Applications require the student to send an email detailing the trip they wish to participate in, the level of funding they require, what they believe they will get out of it, and whether or not they think the trip will impact their future education or work. In the case of school organised trips, we will confirm eligibility with the student's school and any grant that is awarded will be paid directly to the school.